Azerbaijani Taxes Ministry met budget transfer forecast already by 70.27%

16:01 | 06.10.2016
Azerbaijani Taxes Ministry met budget transfer forecast already by 70.27%

Azerbaijani Taxes Ministry met budget transfer forecast already by 70.27%

The Ministry of Taxes implemented the forecast of transfers to the State Budget of Azerbaijan for 2016 (AZN 7.01 bn) by 70.27% for Jan-Sept of the year.

The Ministry says that for the past 9 months it transferred AZN 4.926 bn to the country’s budget.

"The forecast for the reported term was met by 100.2%,” the Taxes Ministry said.

Revenues from the nonoil sector amounted to AZN 3.84 bn or 101.7% of the forecast was implemented. Revenues from the nonoil sector exceed the figure for the 2015 same term by AZN 365.967 million or 10.5%," the Ministry said.

89,101 entrepreneurs passed registration at the Taxes Ministry for Jan-Sept of 2016.

As of 1 October 2016 total number of taxpayers reached 739,297 that is 12.2% more than for Jan-Sept 2015.

The share of the submitted e-declarations for the reported period made up 89.7%.
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