Blinken believes Azerbaijan, Armenia very close to reaching final agreement

10:30 | 11.07.2024
Blinken believes Azerbaijan, Armenia very close to reaching final agreement

Blinken believes Azerbaijan, Armenia very close to reaching final agreement

Over the last year, year and a half, Armenia and Azerbaijan have done very important work toward negotiating and concluding a peace agreement, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told a tripartite meeting with the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Blinken thanked both ministers for their efforts:

"Throughout this process, the United States has sought to be helpful and supportive, along with the European Union and many colleagues in Europe. Today is an opportunity to take stock in the progress that’s been made, what remains. But based on all of the engagements that we’ve had, including in recent weeks, I believe both countries are very close to being able to reach a final agreement, one that the United States would strongly, strongly support.”
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