Children as young as 11 being sexually abused in return for drugs

15:51 | 26.11.2013
Children as young as 11 being sexually abused in return for drugs

Children as young as 11 being sexually abused in return for drugs

Children as young as 11 are being sexually abused by other youngsters in return for drugs and alcohol or to pay off debt.Some victims are gang raped, with their attackers aged just 12 or 13, researchers behind a two-year investigation found.And the problem is not confined to the world of inner city gangs but is rife in every corner of the land, it is claimed.Deputy children’s commissioner Sue Berelowitz said: ‘We have found shocking and profoundly distressing evidence of sexual assault, including rape, being carried out by young people against other children and young people. While we have published chilling evidence of this violence in gang-associated contexts, we know, too, that it is more widespread than that.‘This is a deep malaise within society from which we must not shirk.’The alarming findings emerge from a Bedfordshire University study for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.Two-thirds of young people told researchers they knew of young women who were pressured or coerced into sexual activity.Nearly four in ten said they knew of someone who had exchanged sex for drugs, alcohol or to pay off a debt.A similar proportion said they knew of rape cases, and more than a third gave examples of gang rapes. However, just one in 12 said they would report sexual abuse.A second study by London Metropolitan University found that ‘sex without consent where those involved know each other is often not seen as rape’.Ms Berelowitz said the ‘sheer levels of sadism’ were shocking and warned the problem was far reaching and ‘happening across the piece, all over the country, in every type of neighbourhood’.Crime prevention minister Norman Baker said the abuse was abhorrent. He added: ‘Our This is Abuse campaign is also helping teenagers spot abusive behaviour.’(
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