The 28-year-old says she has been inspired by British athlete Paula Radcliffe, the marathon world record holder who carried on training through two pregnancies.She became a local celebrity when she took part in a run at the Beijing Olympic Park recently and believes her regime will make her baby healthier.She said: 'I have always been an enthusiastic runner and I don't see any reason why I need to stop just because I'm pregnant.'I took an easy pace and didn't overstretch myself, and my doctor told me that carrying on exercising is the best way to ensure a healthy baby is born.'She said her baby was due within a few weeks at the start of March and that she expected that the training would also make the delivery easier.She said her inspiration was Paula Radcliffe who ran twice a day during the first five months of her pregnancy in 2006, then cut back as she approached her due date.During her second pregnancy in 2010, Radcliffe revealed that she ran up to 14 miles a day in her efforts to stay in shape for London in 2012.Guidelines set by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services say women can sustain the level of physical activity they had engaged in prior to pregnancy.Britain's National Health Service (NHS) also recommends keeping up your usual fitness routine.The NHS Choices website says: 'Exercise is not dangerous for your baby – there is some evidence that active women are less likely to experience problems in later pregnancy and labour.'But it does advise against some forms of activity including contact sports, scuba diving and exercise at heights over 2,500 above sea level.(