Heavily pregnant woman slashed across the face in ‘random’ attack

16:30 | 16.12.2013
Heavily pregnant woman slashed across the face in ‘random’ attack

Heavily pregnant woman slashed across the face in ‘random’ attack

A heavily pregnant woman was viciously assaulted by a man who slashed her across the face in an apparently random attack.Hayley Baker, who is almost seven months pregnant, was walking near her home on Hertford Street in Cambridge when the assailant, believed to be in his 20s, ran up behind her and punched her.During the assault, a knife sliced down the side of the 29-year-old’s face and she began to lose a fair amount of blood.The incident happened on Thursday night at around 8.20pm, just hours after the veterinary surgeon has been to scatter her mother’s ashes in Guildford on the anniversary of her death.‘I was listening to a voicemail and as I finished my call I heard running footsteps behind me and just thought it was a runner coming up the hill,’ Ms Baker told BBC News.‘I moved to the side of the pavement so they could pass and the next thing I felt was a punch in my right temple, turned around and the person was already running in the opposite direction.‘At that point I put my hand up to my face and could feel all the blood running down.‘It was complete disbelief when it happened and to see the amount of blood coming out was quite scary.‘Because I’m a vet I’m very used to a lot of blood, but when it’s your own all rationality goes out of the window.’Detective inspector Jamie Stenton said: ‘This was a nasty attack which appears to have been completely random.‘I would urge anyone who has any information or knows who is responsible to call the police as soon as possible.’The offender ran in the direction of Chesterton Lane, and any witnesses with information are being urged to call DI Stenton on 101. Ms Baker was treated at Addenbrooke’s Hospital for serious facial injuries.(metro.co.uk)ANN.Az
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