Hungary talks strategic partnership with Azerbaijan

13:00 | 04.11.2014
Hungary talks strategic partnership with Azerbaijan

Hungary talks strategic partnership with Azerbaijan

(MTI) - Hungary and Azerbaijan want to sign a strategic partnership agreement, and talks on that will begin next week in Budapest during a visit to Hungary by Azerbaijan's President Ilham Alíyev, Hungarian external economics and foreign minister Peter Szijjarto told MTI in Baku.

"The fastest developing and strongest economy in the Caucasus region, Azerbaijan wants to expand trade and investment relations with Hungary, and this serves Hungary's interest, too," Sijjarto said.

He said several EU countries have signed similar agreements with Azerbaijan in the past, and emphasised that it was the "elementary interest" of the EU, too, to have strong relations with Azerbaijan which could develop into one of the bases of Europe's energy security.

Szijjarto held talks in Baku with the state's president, and with the vice premier, the economic development minister, the foreign minister, and the minister of culture and tourism of Azerbaijan, and with the chairman of the Azeri State Oil Fund.

Parallel with the talks on strategic partnership, Hungary and Azerbaijan will next week sign agreements on air traffic which will be followed by Wizz Air relaunching its Budapest-Baku flight next March, on cooperation in higher education allowing 200 Azeri students to study in Hungary, on cooperation in sport and youth matters, and on tourism, Mr Szijjarto said.

During the Hungarian minister's present visit to Baku the parties agreed to strengthen cooperation in agriculture, water management and pharmaceuticals. In order to provide financing, Hungary's Eximbank started talks with Azerbaijan's PASHA Bank, Mr Szijjarto said.


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