Is this video terribly cute or terrifying? - VIDEO

09:15 | 04.12.2013
Is this video terribly cute or terrifying? - VIDEO

Is this video terribly cute or terrifying? - VIDEO

Is this video of an opossum carrying her litter on her back terribly cute, or does it look scarily like an animal with several heads?Normally this footage of a mother lugging around her kids would be classified as adorable, but on closer inspection there’s something slightly creepy about the way the young opossums move around her body.The 30-second video shows a man, who’s holding a video camera, walking up to the animal that’s struggling with her young.He says ‘good morning’ but the opossum just looks at him with a death stare.He quickly realises he is not wanted and leaves, which could be a result of the rude reception – or that it dawned on him the opossum looked like Medusa…(
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