Accompanied by Ilham Azizzade, the coordinator of the “Elite Training” project of AFFA, and Kamal Tagizade, the coordinator of the “Football with Bakcell” project, Ali Abbasov, Durakhan Dovlatovkhanov, Zarrar Mammadov, Ramin Nasirli and Valihad Samadov left for England to acquire diverse skills by participating in the training sessions together with the children from other countries. It should be noted that last year one of the Azerbaijani participants in Manchester, Tamerlan Rizvanov, demonstrated some exceptional results and was able to make his way into the “World Skills Final” of “Manchester United” Summer Soccer School.It should be emphasized that one of the world’s most famous football academies, the “Manchester Football School” has gifted the world football with such legends as David Beckham, Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs. Being the sponsor of Azerbaijani national football team and the first telecommunications and broadcasting partner of “Manchester United” FC in CIS region, Bakcell supports the development of football in our country. Bakcell is confident that Azerbaijan has a big football potential, able to carry the country’s football forward to success.