More flights planned between Baku, New York

11:20 | 27.10.2014
More flights planned between Baku, New York

More flights planned between Baku, New York

Azerbaijani Airlines (Azal) will increase the number of flights between Baku and New York as from December 8, state news agency Azartac said.

Apart from flights on Wednesdays and Saturdays, Azal will start flying on Mondays as well. 

Flights will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays with departure from Baku at 06:00 (UTC/GMT +5 hours) and arrival in New York at 09:30 local time.

Return flights will be held on the same days of the week - leaving New York at 11:30 and arriving in the capital of Azerbaijan at 08:00 the next day.


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