Ombudswoman: Armenia continues to pollute Azerbaijani territories with mines

19:30 | 16.03.2023
Ombudswoman: Armenia continues to pollute Azerbaijani territories with mines

Ombudswoman: Armenia continues to pollute Azerbaijani territories with mines

Today, Armenia continues to pollute Azerbaijan’s liberated territories with mines, not abandoning its provocations, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva said.

The Ombudswoman recalled that a mine exploded today in the liberated Yusifjanly village of Azerbaijan’s Aghdam district, killing two civilians:

"I condemn the mine terror of Armenia, which constantly takes the lives and health of civilians.”

Sabina Aliyeva stressed that for almost 30 years, Armenia not only kept the cities and districts of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan under occupation, but also deliberately mined these territories en masse to kill innocent people.

"We note with regret that as a result of numerous mine explosions that occurred after the liberation of our lands from occupation, a total of 286 people became victims of mine terror, 48 of whom died. Armenia, however, not only does not provide us with the exact maps of mines that it has laid over the past years, but today, continuing its provocations, again pollutes the territories liberated from occupation with mines, as a result of which the lives of civilians and the military are in grave danger. Once again, I call on the global community, including international organizations involved in the protection of human rights, to take a decisive position on this issue in order to protect human rights and freedoms,” she said.
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