Putting your iPhone in the microwave will COOK it, not charge it - PHOTO+VIDEO

14:00 | 26.09.2014
Putting your iPhone in the microwave will COOK it, not charge it - PHOTO+VIDEO

Putting your iPhone in the microwave will COOK it, not charge it - PHOTO+VIDEO

Fake advertisements claiming iPhones can be charged by putting them in the microwave have caught out unwary users whose phones have been set on fire or left a smoking ruin when they've tried it.

Apple has been frantically trying to hose down the ad by internet pranksters 4-Chan, Tweeting warnings that it is a hoax and asking followers to urgently retweet the message.'Heard of #AppleWave? IT'S A HOAX & WILL DESTROY YOUR IPHONE,' said a Tweet from the Apple iOS Support account. 'Please help spread the word!'The warning came to late for many who fell for the convincing mock-up ad.Posted originally by the notorious internet pranksters 4-Chan, the 'IOS 8 exclusive' Wave ad was designed to precisely mimic an update from Apple Inc following the release of their new software one week ago.'Wave allows your device to be charged wirelessly through microwave frequencies,' the post read. 'Wave can be used to quickly charge your device's battery using any standard household microwave.' It instructs users to 'charge' their phones for 60 second at 700 watts or 70 seconds at 800 watts, while warning, 'Do not wave-charge for over 300 seconds'.Gullible users took to their microwaves, and then to Twitter to show the results as a warning to other users by sharing images of smoking, cracked and flaming iPhones.The hoax was taken seriously by enough people for the Los Angeles Police Department to issue a warning.'This #Wave capability is a #hoax. Don't be fooled into microwaving your #iPhone 6,' LAPD Communications tweeted.The Los Angeles Fire Department have also issued warnings on radio stations, according to Nine News. 'We were alarmed at this notion, because of course any metal inside of a microwave oven can lead to a fire and potentially an explosion,' spokesman Brian Humphrey said.(dailymail.co.uk)Bakudaily.Az

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