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My Big Fat Jihadi Wedding

My Big Fat Jihadi Wedding
05.03.2015 19:30
An Egyptian couple horrified guests at their wedding by hiring fake jihadis to hijack the ceremony and force them in to a cage in a shocking imitation of the burning to death of a Jordanian pilot.

The marriage ceremony was held in Menoufia, north of Cairo and saw masked men storm the venue and order the bride and groom to climb in to a cage at knife point.

The only members of the wedding party who knew about the pretend 'attack' in advance were the groom, his best men and wedding photographer Ahmed Kassem - although the bride is said to have been told to expect something 'different' from the ceremony.

It is unclear from the video whether the bride and groom are Muslim or Christian.

Video footage of the ceremony shows one of the groom's knife-wielding best men wearing a black balaclava and  religious song - known as a nasheed - that has previously featured prominently in genuine Islamic State propaganda videos.

Having stormed the stage, the men force the couple to climb in to a cage in a chilling imitation of the ISIS video that showed Jordanian pilot Mu'ath Al Kassasbeh being burnt alive earlier this year.

Once inside the cage the couple stand up and dance while guests clap and cheer them on.

Not everybody was enamoured by the proceedings, however, with the Youm7 newspaper reporting that several of the wedding guests mistakenly thought it was a genuine terrorist attack.

It is believed that even the bride was unaware at what the groom had planned, and that the only people aware of the 'attack' in advance were the best men playing the roles of jihadis, and the photographer, who had been ordered to make sure everything was caught on camera.

The ISIS-themed wedding came just weeks after the burning to death of Mu'ath al-Kassasbeh in the terror group's power base Raqqa. Shortly afterwards ISIS militants paraded dozens of captured Peshmerga fighters in simular metal cages through the streets of northern Iraq.

Last month ISIS terrorists in Libya carried out the mass beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea close to the militant-held port town of Derna.

Egypt responded to the atrocity by carrying out sustained airstrikes on ISIS targets in Libya, where radical Islamist group's are increasing in both number and power amid the ongoing chaotic fallout from the 2011 death of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Egypt is battling its own Islamic State-linked insurgency on the Sinai Peninsula, which has killed scores of people in a wave of terror attacks and mass beheadings so far in 2015.



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