Rouhani tweets to support Iranians arrested for 'Happy' video

10:29 | 22.05.2014
Rouhani tweets to support Iranians arrested for 'Happy' video

Rouhani tweets to support Iranians arrested for 'Happy' video

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has seemingly waded into the debate surrounding the arrest of a group of Iranians for recreating a tribute to Pharrell Williams’ Happy video.

On Wednesday a Twitter account operated by Rouhani’s aides tweeted: "#Happiness is our people's right. We shouldn't be too hard on behaviors caused by joy." 29/6/2013

The tweet is believed by many to reference the incident, which was branded “a vulgar clip which hurt public chastity” by Tehran police chief Hossein Sajedinia.

The arrests saw hundreds of protesters repost the video with the hashtag #FreeHappyIranians. Even singer Pharrell Williams tweeted his dismay, calling the incident “beyond sad”.

Rouhani’s appears to reference a previous speech he delivered on 26 June last year.

Giving hints he would consider loosening some of the restrictions imposed by the country’s “morality police”, he said: “Happiness is our people’s right.

“We should not be strict toward the people. People follow the morality codes by themselves and are careful about them.”

Arash Karami, an Iran analyst who writes for Al Monitor, told Huffington Post UK: “It is interesting that a political message should be retweeted like this.

“Rouhani appears to have taken a position in what appears to be a pretty high profile publicity stunt by the police or whoever organised the arrests.”

But Karami stops short of suggesting there will be more from Rouhani on the issue.

“This is part of a coordinated effort by his team. I don’t think he is going to directly address this issue. This is about as much as you might expect for now,” he said.

But he added: “It makes people hopeful, it gives people a certain level of hope that the President understands some of the needs of the people.”

Moderate cleric Rouhani was elected last June with a clear 51% majority, beating conservative Tehran Mayor Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf and hardline nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili.

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