Sick dog death video sparks police manhunt for cruel torture gang - VIDEO

21:00 | 24.09.2014
Sick dog death video sparks police manhunt for cruel torture gang - VIDEO

Sick dog death video sparks police manhunt for cruel torture gang - VIDEO

A stomach-turning video showing a distressed dog being beaten and hung has led to a police manhunt after it was posted online.

The heartbreaking footage – which we have deemed too shocking to share on The Mirror's website – was uploaded to the internet by a man who claimed his petrified pooch was kidnapped, tortured and killed by a sick gang in Mexico.Detectives are to investigate after Miguel Angel Flores, who lives in Guadalajara, the capital of the Mexican state of Jalisco, said that he was sent the video after his dog had been missing for a week.Kidnappings have become commonplace in the North American country, with ordinary workers – and now pets – being targeted and ransomed for as little as £5.Last year, Mexico officially recorded 1,698 kidnappings – the highest number on record.And government say only a small percentage of victims – one in 10 by some estimates – report the crime.Flores claims he reported the dog torture video to police but initially got no reaction, reports The Metro.He then posted the video online to the website Petition Hub and thousands of shocked users signed up to the petition to have the killers punished.The video was later taken down by Flores, reportedly after the men who carried out the beating got in touch. Flores also closed his account on the site.It is not clear whether they threatened him or simply apologised and agreed to pay compensation.Police are still investigating with animal abuse in the state carrying a possible four-and-a-half years in prison.(

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