Super-fit grandfather is still pumping iron at 90 - VIDEO

15:29 | 11.12.2013
Super-fit grandfather is still pumping iron at 90 - VIDEO

Super-fit grandfather is still pumping iron at 90 - VIDEO

A great-grandfather who is still pumping iron at the grand age of 90 says spinach is his secret to staying young.  John van Walwyk, dubbed the real-life Popeye, lives in sheltered accommodation but walks two miles to the gym three times a week.He works through a hour-long routine of 14 different exercises, lifting weights up to 30kg and climbing 226 metres on the step machine.Mr van Walwyk, a vegetarian, says his strength comes from a diet of spinach and Guinness to get enough protein for his biceps.The grandfather-of-two, who lives with wife Marjorie, 78, said: 'We live in a sheltered complex and most of the people here are either using frames or walking sticks.'I think in some cases that's because they do not exercise and if this encourages people to take up exercise I think it's worth it.'I lift weights that are far heavier than the young people lift.'I'm a vegetarian and so my wife feeds me spinach all the time. It's a great source of iron that people who lift weights usually get from meat. 'I also drink Guinness, which is another great way of getting iron.'Mr van Walwyk will celebrate his 90th birthday tomorrow and to celebrate, will give himself a day off from the gym at Hills Road Sixth Form College in Cambridge.A father-of-two, he retired as a BT call handler in 1959 and joined the gym 14 years ago as he started putting on weight.He said: 'My weight went up to 15 and a half stone, but by exercising I got it down to 14 stone.'I'm now up to 14 and a half, but that extra half is all muscle.'His wife Marjorie, a retired BT admin assistant, said: 'The students sit and watch him and but I don't think they've got any idea how old he really is.'I'm very proud of him. He is there three times a week. He is very fit and I'm very lucky.'Mr van Walwyk worked in a factory making ship parts for much of World War II before being called up at the age of 21 to fight in Burma with the Royal Berkshire Regiment in 1944.The gym has promised to give the great-grandfather-of-two free membership when he reaches the age of 100.Manager Natalie Moss said:'I've great admiration for John and certainly hope that I will be as active as he is when I reach 90 years of age.'We try to ensure we keep the vending machine topped up with Yorkie bars as he tells me he and his wife allow themselves one piece a day as a treat.'(


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