1. CALLING PEACEFUL PROTESTORS “EXTREMISTS” WHO ALIGN THEMSELVES WITH TERRORISM“This is a protest organised by extremist elements. We will not give away anything to those who live arm-in-arm with terrorism.” [source]2. CALLING THE PROTESTORS “BUMS” AND PROMISING TO BUILD A MOSQUE IN TAKSIM SQUARE“We will build a mosque in Taksim and we do not need the permission of the CHP [Republican People's Party, the main opposition party in Parliament] or of a few bums to do it.” [source]3. FREAKING OUT ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA“There is now a menace which is called Twitter. The best examples of lies can be found there. To me, social media is the worst menace to society.” [source]4. DEMOCRACY: HE JUST DOESN’T GET IT“All attempts [to influence government] apart from the ballot box are not democratic.” [source]5. CLAIMING HIS BASE CAN NOT ONLY JUST MATCH, BUT OUTNUMBER PROTESTORS ON THE STREET“If this is about holding meetings, if this is a social movement, where they gather 20, I will get up and gather 200,000 people. Where they gather 100,000, I will bring together one million from my party.” [source](hellenicleaders.com)Bakudaily.Az