Archaeologists have discovered the tomb of a leading Ancient Egyptian beer brewer.The tomb of Khonso Em Heb, who lived 3,200 years ago, was discovered by a Japanese team and has been described as 'one of the most important discoveries' made at the Thebes necropolic site in the city of Luxor.Egypt's antiquities minister Mohamed Ibrahim described Khonso Em Heb as the chief ‘maker of beer for gods of the dead’ who was also the head of a warehouse.He added that the walls of the tomb's chambers contain ‘fabulous designs and colors, reflecting details of daily life... along with their religious rituals’. The tomb has on its walls and ceilings landscapes and diverse sculptures that ‘revealed many details of daily life during the ancient Egyptian times’, including family relationships and religious rituals. One piece of artwork shows Khonso Em Heb, who also headed the royal storehouses during the pharaonic Ramesside period, making offerings to the gods along with his wife and daughter.The archaeologists discovered the site while cleaning the courtyard of ‘another tomb belonging to a top official from the reign of King Amenhotep III of the 18th dynasty’, said Jiro Kondo, head of the Japanese team from Waseda University.They has been working on a tomb belonging to a the grandfather of the famed boy-pharaoh Tutankhamun.The newly discovered tomb is to be placed under tight security until the excavation work is completed, the ministry said.(