Photos from multiple Instagram accounts have revealed the luxury vehicle wasn't permanently damaged. Instagram user @andreysmygov uploaded a photo last Friday of the Veyron with a caption that suggested it was painted on as a stunt for TwinzTV, Car Crushing noted.Brothers Jeremy and Jason Holden run the YouTube pranks channel TwinzTV.A Saturday photo @andreysmygov shows user @vgtorious standing next to the Veyron, this time with different graffiti. Instead of a drawing of male genitalia, there is graffiti of the initials 'VG'A Sunday photo from his account shows both @andreysmygov and @vgotorious leaning on a scrubbed-clean Veyron, suggesting the luxury vehicle no longer features any markings.'Filming new vid with @vgtorious this one is going to be sick! #vgproductions #bugatti' @andreysmygov captioned the photograph.A photo of the car being waxed - with no graffitti visible - was posted by @vgtorious to Instagram on Saturday, though it is not clear when that took place.He also re-grammed the photograph showing him next to the with the letters 'VG' on the hood, confirming the hoax.'Oops I think we pranked the WORLD and the video hasn't aired...yet �� #bugatti #veyron #vw #youtube #global #news #pranks #funny #bugattifamilyimsorry', he captioned the snap.Jeremy Holden also uploaded a snap of the penis drawing on the Veyron on Saturday.He wrote, 'I got to spray paint this on @vgtorious #buggati today haha #prank #twinztv #youtube #funny #seattle with @_twinztv_ @twinztv2 @andreysmygov.'TwinzTV already featured the Bugatti Veyron in an August YouTube video, Car Crushing pointed out.In that clip, a man leans against the Veyron picking up women, with a much less expensive silver car parked behind him.When he convinces the women to get food with him, all but one leave when they realize he is not the Veyron's actual owner - and actually owns the silver car.(