Inside the life of a prostitute - PHOTO

19:00 | 20.10.2014
Inside the life of a prostitute - PHOTO

Inside the life of a prostitute - PHOTO

A photographer has captured the intimate struggles and everyday realities of a 21-year-old prostitute.

Alicia Vera, based in Mexico City, met her subject Vera three years ago when she was shooting a photo series on strippers, but formed a deep bond with the young San Francisco-based sex worker and ended up zoning in on her individual story.With her camera, Ms Vera charts Eden's turbulent lifestyle; photographing her as she hustles, sleeps, even during sex with a client, and at one point after she is arrested.Eden first moved to San Francisco from an abusive childhood to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming an exotic dancer.It didn't take long for her to fall into prostitution, with close friend and fellow stripper Baby acting as her pimp.'Ruby frequently sent her to the East Coast to work out of hotel rooms, where she was eventually caught by an undercover task force,' Ms Vera explains on her website.'This was her third arrest and for the first time, she was facing jail.'As she waited for her looming court date, Eden took some time off to reflect on her situation, and accompanied by Ms Vera, she went to Lancaster, Virginia, to visit her mother.Nobody is what they do, but whatever we do becomes a part of us. There, she came clean about her work as an escort. Her mother voiced her disapproval but being a mother, Ms Vera points out, she still offered Eden her support.Eden was fortunate, and escaped jail with only a $300 fine. She returned to her job, now independent of Ruby, two hours after her court appearance.(

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