All The Items Of Clothing Women Have Been Told Not To Wear In 2014 - PHOTO
There are numerous laws restricting what women can wear in countries ranging from France to Uganda. But it’s not just laws that dictate how women should dress; slut-shaming and the policing of girls’ school uniforms are also commonplace.Here are the items of clothing that have caused trouble for women this year so far.SkirtsIn Uganda in February, women were banned from wearing of miniskirts. Some were even publicly undressed for wearing the garments. In response, 200 women protested in Kampala, the country’s capital, demanding the government stop sexualising their bodies.In England, more than 250 girls were removed from a school on the Isle of Wight in June because their skirts were too short. The headmaster said he wanted to prepare the students for the “world of work”.LeggingsIn March, a 13-year-old American girl and her classmates were informed by teachers that leggings are “too distracting to boys” in an educational environment.A school in Michigan banned leggings earlier this month for being “distracting” and encouraging girls to go out with “little to no clothing on”.In June, signs were spotted at the University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing saying students were not allowed to wear “unacceptable clothing”, including “midriff-baring shirts, short-shorts, short skirts, low-rise pants, [and] low-cut shirts that reveal cleavage”.In Canada in May, a high school disciplined students for wearing shorts considered “inappropriate”.Also in May, another Canadian student was told in front of her class that she would have to change out of her short shorts or face suspension from school. She responded by printing this poster (below) and sticking it up around the school.(
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