Agatha Alizadeh : "Painting is a very exciting process " - INTERVIEW + PHOTOS
![Agatha Alizadeh : "Painting is a very exciting process " - INTERVIEW + PHOTOS Agatha Alizadeh : "Painting is a very exciting process " - INTERVIEW + PHOTOS](
Rustam Gasimov
Works by Agatha Alizadeh are enjoyed for their brilliance, warmth and expressiveness. Positive energy is present in almost all the paintings of the artist.
ANN.Az presents to your attention an interview with the talented artist Agata Alizadeh, who is engaged not only in painting , but also paints decorative plates and makes Christmas decorations, vases, candlesticks, plates and painted bottles.How long have you been painting ?Generally I have been drawing a long time and always wanted to go to art school , but my parents did not have time to drive me there. Then came the hard 90s, the school came to disrepair, the teachers were gone. In short, to the school, I did not find a striker. Seven years ago, I accidentally went to an art store, bought paints, canvas and began to paint . I did not even know how it all mixes as diluted paint, what are the canvases and how they differ from each other, etc. I had to learn everything myself, to learn the basics of painting through trial and error, based on my desires and aspirations.So, you are cultivating from one job to another?Drawing is a very exciting process. Over time, you observe how the technique changes from job to job. My first paintings are very different from the latest. For example, the way I knead paint. Previously, it was difficult for me. Therefore, the earliest works are distinguished with the shades of colors. They are a little different. Currently I kneaded paint on canvas. I too use a palette, of course, but the canvas is much more interesting. You see how the color goes, all going together and turns an integral composition. It is an incredible feeling .What technique and paint do you use?In my work I use several techniques. I paint a picture with a brush and fingers, and a palette knife. As for the choice of colors , it depends on my mood . I mix colors, trying to find the appropriate color, in a word, I conjure (laughs).How much time is spent on writing one picture ?Differently - from several weeks to several years. In my home collection there is a picture I drew three long years, though intermittently. But the main factor is the mood, on which depends the creative impulse and time of the painting.What often becomes subjects of your paintings?In my works I do not stick to a certain storyline, so you are unlikely to find two identical pictures. I write everything except portraits. Basically, I feel closer to impressionism, but I cannot say that I draw only in this direction. I have a lot of abstract elements and parts, close to minimalism.Do you know in advance what you want to write or does it come during work?If we talk about pictures, it has been occurring during operation. I represent the general idea, but everything else is born already in the process. Very often I conceive to write one, but then I see that I was carried away in a completely different direction.At what time of day is the creative process more productive?This happens at night because I work during the day, and I do not have time for this. In the evening I do household work and help my daughter do homework. And when all the household are asleep, I start to work . Sometimes I'm so fond of the process that I do not notice how time flies. Often, I sit up late, up to five in the morning. But now it all depends on the number of orders. The more orders, the longer it takes to work.And when did you start painting decorative plates?It happened like all good things in my life, very unexpectedly. I do not remember exactly, how this idea came. I was in the supermarket, where I saw white plates and bought a few pieces. There was a free evening and I decided to start painting. Then came a friend and said, "This beauty must please people, so you should show these decorative plates to the fans of accessories and jewelry, who love to create cosiness in the house." Since then this all began. I opened a page in the social network Facebook, called it Neat & Easy, where everyone can enjoy them and order their favorite work. Then I began to make Christmas decorations and plates, painted bottles, vases, candlesticks, etc.But I want to note that the first painted plates differ from the latter. Perhaps it is not visible to others, but I'm very demanding and have meticulous attitude to this process, so I try to constantly improve, to try something new, unusual experiment. Plates are also distinguished by the technique, because now I use, dissolve and mix more colors.In what technique do you decorate souvenir plates?At work I use acrylic paint and stained glass. For starters, I do pencil drawing, then, if the pattern requires that, I draw a contour around. When there are contours, it is much easier to draw. There are even special acrylic contours, but I do not use them, because in this case the picture is somewhat rude. But if my chosen pattern still requires a contour, then I paint it with a brush. Certainly, it's much more difficult, but I like such a final effect more.Do you use decoupage technique?I do. I have works done in the decoupage technique. A feature of decoupage is that it means finished drawing on special paper, sometimes rice paper, sometimes specific decoupage napkins, and you can also use regular napkins, which are glued to the surface of the object. This need not be glass. The main thing is that the picture does not require painting. It is simply glued and varnished.How much time is spent on painting a plate?I draw one day. On average, it takes about 3-4 hours. Then the plate is sent to the oven to dry the paint . Then comes the process of cooling and drying. The paint should somehow settle. After a day I cover it with varnish, and then dry it for about two days .But again, it all depends on my selected picture. Sometimes pictures are quite complex with multiple characters, for example, animated series, such as Winnie the Pooh and Friends. There are a lot of complex parts, so such compositions are time consuming.How do you choose subjects for the plates, and which one was the first?I paint plates on subjects and often the whole series. It's very interesting. Here's how it was with Hedgehog in the Fog. I was booked a character from the cartoon of the same name. The painted plate with its picture was a huge success, so I soon made a series with all the characters of this cartoon. The same was Winnie the Pooh. I like to draw series, especially based on good old cartoons, where there is so much wisdom, warmth and kindness, which we need. My first purchase was Hedgehog in the Fog, and the first figure was a Christmas plate with the image of a burning candle.How long have you been painting souvenir plates?I have been painting plates for more than two months. During this time, I have prepared a lot of compositions. If you count, there will be about 100 plates.You paint not only plates, but also mugs. How did this idea come?The idea emerged with the idea of painting plates. I often make up a whole composition of several elements, a part of which usually becomes a mug with a cartoon character from a series.When you have the choice of subjects, do they vary by season and holidays?Yes. On New Year's Eve there is a Christmas theme. At the moment, given the impending Valentine's Day , the greatest demand is plates with scenes of love themes. Then there will be March 8 and Novruz. For every holiday I try to prepare a diverse collection.Which cartoon character is the most popular?It is difficult to single out any single character. I have a diverse collection, so it is quite difficult to track which one is the most popular. Especially now, on the eve of Valentine's Day. But the protagonist of one of the most famous Soviet cartoons Hedgehog in the Fog is always relevant, because there are wonderful words, "If you do not exist, then I do not exist."Please tell us about the other elements of decor that you do.I generally plan to increase the number of elements of the decor. Now I'm doing dishes, candlesticks, vases and different panels for kitchens. In the near future I plan to create a series for bathrooms, which will be much more interesting. I will not reveal all secrets and I will only say there are natural stones, shells and, of course, painted elements.What are your future plans?This year, closer to the fall , I plan to organize a solo exhibition , which will include not only paintings, but also painted plates.Where do you find inspiration?I find inspiration in the good fortune to live, breathe, well, of course, my little daughter and beloved people. ANN.Az