Considering that the injury does not require surgery and there is precedent, it may not be that fanciful, if Brazil beat Germany, that he could play some part in the final on Sunday. Pain will be the limiting factor for the player’s involvement.The official diagnosis released indicates that the striker broke the third vertebra in the lumbar region of his back. It is being described as benign and something that can be managed conservatively with only the intervention of physiotherapy and rest. Wisely no alternative or quick fix treatments are being proposed.In the world of football medicine this diagnosis is slightly vague, and for many experts outside the immediate care of the player it is their belief that it is almost certain to be acute new transverse process fracture. A transverse process fracture is quite a rare injury and usually results from a sudden extreme twisting or side bending movement. As in this case it can also occur due to a direct impact, although muscle in that area normally cushions the blow.Due to the location of the fracture it is unlikely to cause any instability of the spine or any damage to the spinal cord. For now, a brace will keep the spine straight to allow healing of the bone. The other diagnosis is an old injury, such as a pars defect, that has been discovered on imaging. Often players will carry injuries without symptoms, and it is only when scanned are they discovered.In rugby so-called trunk tackling is legal and these injuries are more common. Players can miss six to eight weeks of competitive action, but others do not miss a game. Pain is the guide. If it is then a transverse process fracture or an old injury, then the pain that the player feels is the obstacle to playing.In this instance there would be no long-term adverse outcome. Considering the circumstances Brazil would likely administer a local anaesthetic, then fitness test him and if he can run and kick with a manageable level of pain then he would be available for selection. Certainly his natural adrenaline would also act as huge painkiller for a World Cup final.(