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Crocodile wiggling its ENTIRE body out of the water is the creepiest thing you'll see today

Crocodile wiggling its ENTIRE body out of the water is the creepiest thing you'll see today
29.05.2020 04:21
A saltwater crocodile has been captured as it leaps out of the water using force from its to tail to grab a piece of hanging meat.

In the video a big chunk of red meat is seen dangling from a rope above the crocodile before the large reptile propels its entire body out of the water in an attempt to grab its next meal.

The video was taken by photographer Trevor Frost for a project on crocodiles sponsored by the National Geographic Society's Expeditions council.

The footage of the crocodile was posted to Instagram on Friday along with a caption by Frost who explains how crocodiles have incredibly strong tails.

'Their tails propel them in the water like torpedoes from a submarine,' he wrote.

'In fact, as you see here, their tails are so strong that they can propel their entire body out of the water. Crocodiles are so cool. Stay tuned for more amazing crocodile photos and videos.'


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