Yanukovych urges Ukraine, Azerbaijan to cooperate on energy exports

10:44 | 19.11.2013
Yanukovych urges Ukraine, Azerbaijan to cooperate on energy exports

Yanukovych urges Ukraine, Azerbaijan to cooperate on energy exports

Ukraine and Azerbaijanshould unite efforts in shipping oil and gas to Europe, Ukrainian PresidentViktor Yanukovych said.

"Cooperation in theenergy sector is among our priority issues, and our countries have everythingnecessary to unite efforts in the shipment of hydrocarbons to Europe,"Yanukovych said after Ukrainian-Azerbaijani talks in Kyiv on Monday.

Cooperation on this wouldhelp strengthen the position of Azerbaijan and Ukraine in the Black Sea/Caspianregion, the president said.

Yanukovych said Ukraine isa reliable transporter of energy resources, while Azerbaijan is a reliablesupplier.

He added that during thetalks, which were held in Kyiv on Monday, cooperation on large-scaleinfrastructure projects was also discussed.


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